Working as we go
When retirement doesn't suit you, the word isn't part of your vocabulary.
Money! The tool we all need. In our case, to literally keep the wheels rolling.
Living a nomad lifestyle full-time usually elicits the response: 'How cool!'.
As we pursue our dream, it's not all rainbows, daisies, sunsets and campfires!
We are new immigrants. We cannot consider retirement because we need to be self-sufficient.
While our everyday walk is fuelled by faith, our vehicles aren't. The ubiquitous dollar must be earned.
(Please consider visiting our store - you might see something you like!)
Here's what we do when we're camped out and stationary, or when we homesit…
Aviation Technical Engineer (Ret.)
AJ is a retired Technical Instructor (Aviation). Upon request, he still offers online training.
In his role as caravan maintainer-in-chief, he keeps the wheels rolling safely. He is also chief coffee-maker and brave tester for Sandy's culinary creations.
Always ready to lend a hand to anyone in the neighbourhood who has maintenance issues.
Digital Freelancer
Occasional blogger and social media/website administrator for unDESERTED, Sandy is always arranging words online in one way or another. As a wordsmith, she offers freelance proofreading for websites, adverts, business documents, and social media posts. Contact her today.
Alternatively, her artistic cravings are met by creating templates and documents on Canva. Need a design? Click here to drop a request now.
Sandy also has a hobby line of natural body care products with essential oils. Made upon request, you can find more info by clicking on the image below.
Sandy loves healthy cooking, bakes fresh sourdough bread weekly, and tries to find time to inspire others with easy recipes on her channel at Home Cook in a Van on Youtube.